Gayla Trail
Gayla is a writer, photographer, and former graphic designer with a background in the Fine Arts, cultural criticism, and ecology. She is the author, photographer, and designer of best-selling books on gardening, cooking, and preserving.

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9 thoughts on “Red Currants (Polaroid)

  1. Nice harvest! Totally makes my piddly little blackcurrant harvest look sad. But then again, these are only first year plants, I couldn’t expect a whole lot ;).

  2. the curants are a true treasure> A lovley woman gave me raspberries to start my garden and I could have taken some currants your pic shows me how much I regret it! Enjoy

  3. just so happens i have 2 of those growing beautifully along my driveway, as well as a black, and 2 blue currant bushes. all though they have a bit of a bite when eaten fresh, they are outstanding on any of your favorite breakfast items as a topping once sweetened a little. i have yet to find a good preserve or jam recipe, any suggestions?

  4. just so happens i have 2 of those growing beautifully along my driveway, as well as a black, and 2 blue currant bushes. all though they have a bit of a bite when eaten fresh, they are outstanding on any of your favorite breakfast items as a topping once sweetened a little. i have yet to find a good preserve or jam recipe, any suggestions?

  5. I have them in my garden also, I enjoyed them for the first time this year. I had to put a bird cage over the plant so the animals didn’t eat them. Gramma used to make current jam, so delicious.

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