In Bloom: Amaryllis ‘Chico’

Just as I was once again pulled under by winter’s worst, the ‘Chico’ amaryllis that I received as a Holiday gift delivered its bright and cheerful promise, proving once again that anything that blooms in the drab winter months is worth having around. The best amaryllis flowers have a painterly quality about them, as if

Amaryllis ‘Chico’

My heart fluttered when I peeled back the holiday wrapping and revealed its contents. I have been coveting this particular amaryllis variety — ‘Chico’ (Hippeastrum cybister) — for years. I saw it once in person at a spring bulb show and it is every bit as cool as it looks in photos. The flowers are

Amaryllis Graffiti

Amaryllis ‘Graffiti’

The smaller African amaryllis ‘Graffiti’ I mentioned last week has produced a second set of blooms. Only two of the three bulbs put out a second stem, and they’re not quite as colourful as the first set was, but as you can see they’re still pretty fabulous. More photos after the jump…

Amaryllis Rio Negro

Amaryllis ‘Rio Negro’

Just in time to bring some colour into a painfully cold and white world, the amaryllis ‘Rio Negro’ bulb that I potted up in late November is now in full bloom. As predicted, it reminds me of the Butterfly amaryllis aka Hippeastrum papillio. It presents the same thin red veining and a shaded green interior,

Amaryllis in a pot

Growing Amaryllis with Dugald Cameron

Each Autumn, big, beautiful Amaryllis bulbs show up in stores alongside spring blooming bulbs. And every year I hesitate, full of guilt about the indulgence at a time when I have so many houseplants to shift indoors for the winter. However, once the snow is settled over the garden and the world has lost its

The Butterfly Amaryllis

Every year I try to buy at least one new amaryllis bulb. What seems like a needless expense in the fall when I am still coming down from a bright and plentiful growing season, is almost essential by the time the long grey days of winter kick in. That little boost of colour and life

Is This Green Enough for You?

I promise this will be my last amaryllis post of the season, if only because I am fresh out of blooming amaryllis to write about. Well, that’s not entirely true. The ‘Nymph’ (or ‘Sydney’ or who knows what anything is anymore since nearly all of my bulbs came misidentified) has a second stalk that will

‘Green Dragon’ Amaryllis

I apologize for temporarily turning this site into You Grow Girl: The Amaryllis Story, but I promise you I have more posts on other topics on the go. Until then, as promised, here are a few photos of the ‘Green Dragon’ amaryllis. And here are the flowers with red streaks down the centre of each

The Not ‘Green Dragon’ Amaryllis

Back in November, I wrote about receiving a green amaryllis from a friend (it’s just starting to bloom) and mentioned another variety that I was coveting called ‘Green Dragon.’ Well, I went and bought that one, too. Or rather, I bought three.

Amaryllis Bulbs

How to Plant an Amaryllis Bulb

Although there are many plants that are forced to bloom indoors during the winter holiday season, the popularity of the amaryllis (Hippeastrum) lies in its ease of care and its large, lily-like blooms that are so reminiscent of the flowers of summer. Flower colour ranges from red as the most popular, to pink, white, yellow